So today while Darrell and I were on our way back to the car Egypt did a crazy thing... She found the car! Now something you have to understand is Egypt hasn't been trained to find the car, we tried like once but never did again. Usually when we go to the car I just click the remote to open up the back so Darrell can hear where it opens and finds it that way. Well today I took a little too long to find the keys and didn't have time to push the button and guess what she did - she turned and went straight for the car! I know it doesn't sound like that much but it was really cool. Well thats about it, I just wanted to share because it was exciting!
This is a picture of Egypt standing by the door of the Jeep.. This is the side door but because of all the fur and how hard it is to get out of the cloth on the seats we decided she gets to ride in the back.. Its actually better for her back there because its flat and she can't fall off the seat accidentally lol. Yes that has happened.
Very cool! Good job Eygpt! My dogs also ride in the back. I have put the seats down and covered them with blankets to try to keep dog hair off the seats!
I know, the fur is terrible.. and the vacuum can't get it out.. you have to sit there and pick at all the little pieces that get left behind! We have a blanket and her mat thing from guide dogs in the back.
I have had the same problem--having to pick out all the dog hairs from the car. But I found a great solution. I bought this glove thingy that has little plastic spikes on it. I think it's supposed to be a grooming brush/glove, but I don't use it on Cabana. I use it in the car. You "brush" your car seats and rugs, and it dislodges all the fur. Then you use the vacuum to suck it all up. I use the glove with one hand and vacuum with the other. It works like a charm!
Wow, I never thought of that... We'll have to try it out!
You will have fun teaching your new puppy to "find the bus." :-) Obviously Egypt is super smart to figure it out on her own!!
Thanks! I can't wait... I want it now lol I guess its ok though, I have finals to study for anyways... I know once finals are over (15th) I'm going to be crazy bored :( Maybe I will just ask Michelle for my puppy manual early so I can study up..
WOW, go Egypt!!! That's so cool!
Thanks Lisa! If you think thats cool, check out Darrell's new post of what she did the other day lol. They're a newer team and its just cool to see all the new things she's learning everyday.
Darrell's web address is
Cricket knows that command - find the car. We find it is pretty helpful for us all! She also rides in the back to keep the dog hair confined and makes a nice comfy place to be. Happy I found your blog :D
Thanks Becky, I'm happy I found yours. lol Was just looking at it actually haha.
James knows how to do that too, with a few different cars we often ride in. He basically has learned- find the last vehicle you were in. It works excellently! Found your blog from Ro, hope you get your puppy soon!
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