Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So I had my puppy walk today and it went great. I got to see this cute little German Shepherd dog Petey do his walk. I think he's almost 4 months old and he is full of fuzz. After about ten minutes  the puppy guy, Larry, asked if I was ready. My reaction was "What?" lol I didn't know he was going to have me try it out too. Well it went good, the guys were trying to help me and telling me about 8 different commands to give him so it was kind of crazy lol. Also, for a 3 and half month old puppy he is strong! Haha so I did ok, Darrell hung back with Larry and told me that he said I was doing good. That made me feel better afterward because by the end of the walk Petey was getting all distracted and crazy. lol. It was fun though, it was also raining and one of the guys told me that its worst when it rains because it stirs up all kinds of smells.

Anyways, after the walk, Larry followed us back to the apartment and we had our little home assessment, which wasn't even what I thought. He didn't look around at all lol. He did use the bathroom, maybe to spy lol. No, just kidding, we sat at the table and he went over the first 2 weeks of puppyhood with us. He told us that since our place isn't fenced that the puppy will have to use the bathroom on our patio concrete. They have to do this because other dogs go in the grass and if the puppy does too it could pick up stuff from sick or unvaccinated dogs. So until its about 12 weeks old we will be cleaning off the concrete a couple times everyday lol.

He also gave me my puppy manual and on the first page this is what it says - "Congratulations, you have just been selected to become a puppy raiser for the Guide Dogs of Texas." So yay, it's official!

So now I have to resist studying the manual until my finals are over, but I'm sure I can squeeze in some puppy study time, lol, my finals wont' be that bad this semester.

Below is a picture of Petey taken from one of the GDTx Blogs. The link is below that if you want to check out any of their other dogs

Petey is a very fluffy, fully black german shepherd dog, in this picture he has his ears perked up, head cocked to his left and his tongue is sticking out.

Petey is one of the pups in the Pawsitive approach program through Guide Dogs of Texas, here is their link if you would like to read more information on the program. GDTx



Coreena said...

YAY! I am so excited for you! Petey is adorable! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!


Beth and Alfie said...

We knew you'd do fine Natalie! Now we can't wait to see what puppy you get. :-)

Natalie said...

I know! I can't wait till I have my very own puppy! Hopefully it will come soon

Ally and Eclipse said...

Congrats! That's so exciting! Pay attention to your finals then you can go puppy manual nuts! :-D

Ro said...

Yeeehaaaaaaw!!!!! Go Natalie it's your birthday go Natalie!!! Ok well it's not your birthday, but that's what popped into my head. You know, your subject line wasn't evasive at all. I kept expecting you to say sike, they didn't tell me anything yet, or something. Woooo hoooo!!! Can't wait to meet your puppy!!!!! Yayayayayaa!!!! Will it be a german shepard?

Rebecca, Ely and Joe said...

Yay!!!! Congratulations!! I was freaking out over my in-home interview and it was nothing what I thought it was going to be also. The puppy manual is the bible of puppy raising, I remember making note cards with all the commands and drilling myself before it I got my puppy. Can’t wait to “meet” you new puppy!

Katrin said...

Congrats!!! terrific news!!

Natalie said...

Thanks everyone!

Ro, I'm not sure exactly what I will get yet. Our puppy raiser manager said she is trying to get me a male golden retriever but things can always change so we'll see lo. I like how you're all texan now with your yeehaws lol.

Megan and Orleans said...

How exciting, Petey sure is cute!! To answer your questions from my blog, a friend of mine came over because I had always wanted a green leash. She taught me how to dye it and she helped me make the leash myself. It was awesome!! I could get all the neccessary stuff and make you one too if you'd like. I could make it for about $20 and then mail it to you. If you want to e-mail me privately about it my e-mail address is megstewart85 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Lisa and pups said...

YAY great news!!!!!

Erin said...

Wow how exciting! I remember when I got my letter of acceptance soo exciting!!!

L^2 said...

Yay! Congrats. Looking forward to reading about your adventures with the new pup.