Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween brings out the crazies..

At Walmart that is. So, before I tell you about that though, this is the perfect opportunity to tell you about Darrell's blog that he just started today!!! Not that I'm bitter or anything but he already has 3 followers and it took me at least a week to get one! But whatever lol.

Anyways, Walmart - fun stuff.. Since Darrell has already written the entire story on his page you can just go over there and check it out. He's so excited at his instant popularity so why not go over and make him feel good and comment on his crazy hour in Walmart. Here is a link to his page > Click me! Have fun reading it!


Infrequent Flyers said...

I didn't have any followers or commenters for like 3 months!! So one week--that's nuttin! Thanks for the link--I'm excited to read Darrell's blog.

Ro said...

I didn't have followers for awhile until I started commenting on the popular bloggers blogs and now its taking off like wildfire lol! See Darrel already had you as an "in". ;)

Momma said...

So, just came back from Darrel's blog - his is good too. OMG, makes you wonder if some people have a brain in their heads at all! I joked with him a bit about the starving thing, hope he doesn't mind too much. Just couldn't pass up the opportunity. I will get the hang of this blog thing sooner or later, till then just hang in there and be patient with your family - i think it's great but do have to wonder what a follower is and how that whole thing works ???

Natalie said...

Haha, thanks momma. Make fun of Darrell whenever you get a chance.. I need people to help me put him in his place. lol.